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Featured Stories in this post

  • An invitation to join Kupa`a Collective as they partner with Aupuni Palapala to bring 2 days of free professional development to educators and the community.​

  • Learn about Aupuni Palapala's mission to transform education through their educational initiatives that provide tangible support to bring `ike Hawai`i, place-based learning into all classrooms.  

Hawaii’s public education system should embody Hawaiian values, language, culture and history as a foundation to prepare students in grades K-12 for success in college, career and communities, locally and globally. Hawaiian language, culture, and history should be an integral part of Hawaii’s education standards for all students in grades K-12.

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Hawaii’s public education system should embody Hawaiian values, language, culture and history as a foundation to prepare students in grades K-12 for success in college, career and communities, locally and globally. Hawaiian language, culture, and history should be an integral part of Hawaii’s education standards for all students in grades K-12.

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 E kūpa`a kakou!  Let’s stand together, steadfast, and navigate through these uncharted waters...Hiki nō!  We can do it!

Mahalo  nui  loa  for  visiting!

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©2020 by Kūpaʻa Collective.

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