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Community Resources

Community-based organizations are foundational to the communities that they support.  They seek to build relationships and connections to the people, to the places, to the `āina that supports and feed us, and to the systems that keep their places in balance.  They are one of the key pieces to building deep pilina, relationships and aloha for the places in which we live.  We also believe that they are instrumental to building a sense of total well being.  Our greatest appreciation goes out to each and every one of these organizations that support resilient, thriving communities--mahalo, mahalo, mahalo!

**To the community, educators, and `ohana:  there are many organizations doing incredible Aloha `Āina work at this time.  This page will share these community-based resources with you.  And let's remember that we all have a kuleana to mālama, care for, and serve the `āina for it is an integral part of our `ohana.  Please share with us, additional resources, community partners that you would like to share with us--mahalo nui loa.  E pūpūkahi i holomua (Pūku`i).  Let’s move forward, united, together!  `A`ohe hana nui ke `alu `ia (Pūku`i, 142).  There is no task too big when done together by all.


Mānoa Heritage Center — a 3.5-acre living classroom that promotes the understanding of Hawaiʻi’s natural and cultural heritage.

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Teaching and inspiring communities to live and work in a healthy, sustainable way.


Papahana kuaola, located in ʻili of waipao, in the ahupuaʻa of heʻeia is a aloha ʻāina-based education organization connecting our past with a sustainable future.

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Lyon Arboretum serves as an outdoor classroom, laboratory and living museum. Lyon offers standards-based field trips for K-12 students, as well as a variety of adult classes and guided tours. 


Kaʻala Farm continues to reach out to the community and its future – the children – in order to connect them with their cultural heritage. Forever looking for new and innovative ways to foster the Hawaiian spirit in all Hawaiʻi’s inhabitants.


Established by young Hawaiians in 2001, Paepae o He’eia works to build and maintain a thriving and abundant He’eia Fishpond for our community.

Video:  From Kamehameha Schools

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The Waikīkī Aquarium's is dedicated to their mission:  to inspire and promote understanding, appreciation, and conservation of Pacific marine life.


We are building a future of māʻona, of plenty, by connecting youth and land through the daily practice of aloha ʻāina, empowering youth to succeed in college and secure sustaining careers, and growing organic produce that yields individual and communal vitality.

Video from: centerforfoodsafety


Ho‘okua‘āina is a community group using ancient Hawaiian traditions of kalo cultivation to engage and improve the lives of today’s youth.

Video from: HTA Hawai`i


Immerse yourself in Hawai‘i’s rich culture and heritage at the premier natural and cultural history museum in the state.

Video from: KHON2 News

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During these extraordinary times, the Pacific American Foundation is working to provide support to the child’s first teacher, the parent, as well as to professional educators and students.




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 E kūpa`a kakou!  Let’s stand together, steadfast, and navigate through these uncharted waters...Hiki nō!  We can do it!

Mahalo  nui  loa  for  visiting!

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©2020 by Kūpaʻa Collective.

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