E Komo Mai...Welcome
Join Our Collective Action Project
Inspired by the leadership of Queen Lili`uokalani and her shift to Ho`omalu to care for her people during the small pox epidemic, we originally started as a community grassroots project called the Kūpa`a Collective. Then, through support from NIH (National Institute of Health) we became a formalized project: the Pacific Alliance Against COVID-19 (PAAC). We are a transdisciplinary team from the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa Education, JABSOM (John A. Burns Schools of Medicine) Social Sciences department, in joing partnership with Hawai`i Community Health Centers.. We invite you to join us on this collective action journey to make a difference.
Choose your path on this journey:
Receive a mahalo stipend:
After being certified, please join us during two feedback sessions to share your experience with the curricular modules. All feedback is greatly appreciated. It helps us to make changes to both the website experience and the modules themselves. In appreciation of the time and effort you are giving to become certified, and providing feedback we would like to share a mahalo stipend with you--$50/module you are certified on. (4 modulesx$50, total stipend=$200)